Prevention Begins With
Personalized Care
Here at Tampa Bay Holistic Wellness we understand that well-being encompasses the entire person. Trauma and acute conditions are not the primary reason people die in the United States. In fact, these issues aren’t even in the top 10. Americans are slowly dying of chronic illness and age related disorders that make aging unbearable & unenjoyable. Our current medical system is missing the boat and Americans have the lowest longevity rates and highest infant mortality rates in the western world. Our goal at TBHW is to serve, educate, support and empower our patients. TBHW provides a concierge health care offering that delivers a more personalized approach to health.
Did you know that Florida Statute 457.102 defines Acupuncture as a form of Primary Care? “Acupuncture” means a form of primary health care, based on traditional Chinese medical concepts and modern oriental medical techniques, that employs acupuncture diagnosis and treatment, as well as adjunctive therapies and diagnostic techniques.
Although many Physicians are parlaying into “functional medicine” and “integrative health” knowledge of treatment using prevention medicine including nutrition, biomechanics and mental health are limited. This causes a significant disconnect, because functional blood chemistry analysis only provides data. An understanding of why functional analysis markers may be off and designing a patient centered program that encourages good habits requires specific knowledge. Lifestyle medicine IS NOT alternative medicine. Alternative would imply optional and healthy lifestyle IS NOT an option. Prevention is your holistic health care provider’s focus and we augment the services provided by your biomedical care provider(s). Thankfully, modern science has given us the diagnostic tools to track the underlying perpetrators of lifestyle related illness and disease. The biomedical model is the emergency medical model and biomedicine is absolutely necessary especially when considering that many of us won’t change. However, the emergency medical model wasn’t designed to be abused as a tool to correct poor lifestyle choices.
“Collaborative medicine between lifestyle support care providers and primary care physicians can restore the faith in the promise of medicine.”
When your life is in upheaval: your health will be compromised. It is important to create balance in your life. At Tampa Bay Holistic Wellness we provide a service offering that helps defend our patients against healthcare emergencies. Whether you are seeking a weight-loss strategy, have food intolerances, suffer from skeletal muscular imbalance or postural dysfunction: WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU. Flatten the curve and get ahead of the aging game.
Will achieve healthier energy levels sustainable over a lifetime
Better versatility after work-outs, travel, or stress related activities
Improved body composition
Enhanced focus and concentration
Healthy immune function
Reduction of injury
Reduction of illness or disease relative to obesity or from being over weight
A healthier digestive process and regular bowel movements
Promote anti-aging through foods, supplements and herbal medicine that counteract the aging process
Improve quality of skin, hair and nails
Help build and maintain healthy posture through strong and supple muscles
Achieve better results in chosen physical activities
Better mobility
Improve mood by stimulating various brain chemicals and by improving self-esteem
Boost energy levels
Reduction of injury
Improve cognition: Muscle stimulation increases the level of brain chemicals called growth factors. Growth factors help make new brain cells and establish new connections that help us learn MORE.
Improve Bone Density
$250.00 (new patients)
$200.00 (existing patients only)
$125.00 (existing patients only)
Complimentary (new patients only)