
Our rejuvenation services are designed to rekindle, strengthen and fortify the body. These services reactivate confidence and regenerate the body from the inside out! These services are designed to empower individuals seeking optimal health and wellbeing to unlock the vital force within – through an integrated practice of natural biologic medicine, beauty and wellness.


Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine is a systems biology based approach to health that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of illness or disease. Using the Functional medicine approach we develop personalized treatment plans based on individual biochemistry, lifestyle and genetic predisposition. Our treatment plans are 100% natural, encouraging the body to heal.


Acupuncture for Functional Health is used to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being. Acupuncture can also be use for pain and facial rejuvenation by stimulating growth factors.

Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP Therapy rebuilds your skin from within. Our blood is made up of certain elements that keep our bodies healthy and functioning. Platelets are one of these important elements, containing growth factors that promote collagen development. PRP Therapy isolates those growth factors and uses them to improve tone and texture of your skin. We use our patient’s own blood to provide treatment.


Nutrition Therapy

At Tampa Bay Holistic Wellness, the infrastructure of your nutrition plan will revolve around you and your unique metabolism. Whether your health goal is to treat fatigue, weakness, chronic health problems, allergies, rebuilding after strenuous endurance or strength training, weight loss or gain, digestive complications or to mitigate the aging process: your nutrition plan will be customized to meet your body’s distinct needs.

Injection Therapy

We provide nutraceutical injection therapy. Nutraceuticals come from food sources, but provide health benefits beyond general nutrition. We recommend using nutraceuticals to treat imbalances in the body and promote better health and well-being. Nutraceuticals have the potential to provide a number of therapeutic and nutritional benefits to include antioxidant defense, cell proliferation, and mitochondrial protection.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy and corrective exercise can help you improve function, move, and live better. If you are dealing with chronic pain, postural imbalances or instability; we can help! Our professionals evaluate and treat abnormal physical function related to injury, disability, disease or condition. We provide pain management with reduced need for medication, to help you avoid surgery and to improve your mobility and movement.