Patient Testimonials

As a professional fighter I seek the best. Dr. Dawn and her staff are the best team of healers in all of Tampa Bay. Total body wellness at its finest, TBHW uses all of their body, sprit and mind to elevate your life to its fullest potential.

I am grateful to have the Tampa Bay Holistic Wellness practitioners to help me reach my personal and professional goals.
— Keith Thurman Jr., American Professional Boxer & Former World Champion

The herbal formulation that Dr. Molina provided me cured my symptoms. I’m now living a normal life again! I owe everything to Dr. Molina. I can’t wait to get back to Tampa and work with her again in the future.
— Justin Wilson, New York Yankees

My first sport was Judo. Nutrition is very important to control a Judo athlete’s weight, because Judo is divided into weight categories. I was part of the National team in Germany and fought in the first National league for KSV Esslingen. I have performed Judo at a very high level both nationally and internationally. Until I met Dawn I could not manage my nutrition. In Judo I changed weight categories often, which affected my performance in a negative way. I also believe that due to my poor eating habits and over training, I tore my ACL. After the ACL injury I tried to comeback after 9 months of painful therapy and training. I was unsuccessful and re-tore my ACL in the same knee for the second time. That ended my Judo career in the blink of an eye.

Still I didn’t want to give up performing athletics. I began Cross Fit one year after my recovery. During this time is when I began working with Dawn to change my eating habits. She made it clear to me that excellent performance goes hand-in-hand with excellent nutrition planning. Since then I have lost weight, gained muscle and overall I perform better than I ever have athletically. At this point I couldn’t even think about not eating healthy for optimal performance.

After 1 ½ years of training, 2012 was the first year of competing in Cross Fit. I was able to make it to the European Regional and took 12th place in all of Europe. This is far more than I had ever imagined achieving. I was considered an underdog ranking 42nd place overall on the qualification ranking. I’m excited and looking forward to performing in other Cross Fit tournaments! Dawn has been an amazing nutritionist and friend for me through this transformation process.
— Nadine Leinweber

Suffering from Crohn’s Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome is debilitating. I have lived most of my life ashamed of how I suffer, often silently and alone. I met Dawn through yoga practice. Her knowledge about nutrition and her passion to help others convinced me that she could help me. For years I have been told by doctors that there would be no end to my Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I was told that I would simply need to learn to live with my flare ups. For over twenty years I have suffered from this monstrous disease.

Dawn worked with me to understand my stressors and micronutrient deficiencies. Dawn took the time to make sense of what I couldn’t understand about myself. The education that I received finally freed me from the shackles of my IBS and the medication I was dependent on for so long.
— Debbie Long

My son Adam began showing signs of Eczema by the time he was twelve months old. Adam’s itchy rashes would appear anywhere and everywhere on his body and would cause him great discomfort and pain. Eventually over-the-counter products, such as hydrocortisone, no longer worked. In time the prescription medication provided by his doctors ceased to work. We tried everything to no avail: ointments, antihistamines, phototherapy and tar treatments. Nothing made me feel more helpless than not being able to help Adam.

Eventually we decided to take a holistic approach. Dawn was able to help identify environmental and food factors that were causing problems for Adam through Micronutrient and Allergy Testing. Adam had a very week immune system due to not having been breast fed. I had no idea how any of this could have an impact on Adam. Over the course of three months we were able to disconnect Adam from any further symptoms due to Eczema. His ability to focus has also dramatically improved.
— Jacqueline Martinez

I started seeing Dawn in August of this year to get myself out of a physical rut- I was working out regularly and trying to make good food choices but wasn’t losing weight, wasn’t getting stronger and was always feeling like I was “running on empty”. The 13 week program with Dawn literally changed my life. With some adjustments to my diet and a concentration on macronutrients I was able to hit my goal weight and gain more muscle tone. I was also able to get off of energy drinks and the bottomless cups of coffee. Her knowledge and insight has been invaluable and has forever changed my relationship with food. I know have the requisite tools to continue to work on my fitness and health goals. All the compliments from friends and family don’t hurt either!
— Kara DiRosa

The first time meeting Dawn I immediately noticed her abundance of exuberance for nutrition and her desire to help people achieve their goals by becoming healthy. I came for help to lose 80lbs in 17-weeks without “dieting” (Doctor’s Orders). She helped me, but it took over a year. I am happy I stayed the course. Years of unhealthy living cannot be reversed overnight.
— Dave Espinola - Owner, Espo's Catering Tampa, FL

I am a raving fan of Dawn.

I used to suffer from chronic neck and shoulder pain. Now, because of Dawn, I feel & move better than I did 15-years ago. Her commitment to her education & training has allowed her to offer a unique and rare continuum of care that is up to date with the most effective modalities of preventative health. Through a combination of functional strength, conditioning, flexibility, soft-tissue therapies and nutritional guidance; Dawn has a multi-disciplinary approach that can be customized for anyone interested in being proactive about their health.

Dawn has an infectious passion about serving her clients and substantial knowledge of her practice. My journey with Dawn began with shoulder & neck pain and has turned into a destination of over all health & well-being.
— Ken Petersen - President, AC Depot

You are what you eat!

Ask The Food Whisperer, Adrienne Falcone Godsell

I am officially holding at 125lbs and I have not seen this weight in three, maybe four years. I have released 9 pounds healthily and only have five more to go!

My energy levels are the best they’ve been in six years, my overall cognition has improved and I am beginning to have moments of clarity.

Thank You Dr. Molina!
— The Food Whisperer, Adrienne Falcone Godsell

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