Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy and corrective exercise can help you improve function, move, and live better. If you are dealing with chronic pain, postural imbalances or instability: We Can Help! Our professionals evaluate and treat abnormal physical function related to injury, disability, disease or condition. We provide pain management with reduced need for medication, to help you avoid surgery and to improve your mobility and movement.

What is Corrective Exercise?

Corrective exercise is any type of exercise that helps correct some faulty movement or positioning in the body that contributes to or causes pain, injury, or other dysfunction. If you are not moving correctly or have poor form, you can use corrective exercises to modify and fix it. 

The overreaching goal of corrective exercises is to improve movements and positioning of the body to improve both athletic performance and everyday life. Our practitioners identify poor patterns in movement and looks for the underlying causes. With an understanding of this, we can then determine the simplest exercise that will correct them. 

The actual corrective exercises we may use to help a patient are numerous and vary depending on individual needs. Some examples and types of exercises used for correction include:

  • Foam rolling for stretching and myofascial release

  • Corrective breathing exercises to promote optimal motor learning

  • Structural alignments for trunk stability, such as exercises to align the pelvis and trunk

  • Postural stability holds, static and dynamic

  • Core strengthening to recruit core stability muscles that are under active

  • Exercises to correct hip hinge posture

  • Postural stability holds with head movements to correct shoulder and arm dysfunction

  • Boost intrinsic foot strength to enable natural arch support and foot alignment

  • Exercises to correct posture and form while standing and sitting at a desk


Pain Management Without Pills Segment on WFLA


Work with Dr. Molina

Aesthetics Follow Function

Physical Therapy

60-Minute Session $125.00

Program Design

Monthly Program $350.00