PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich plasma treatments

What is PRP Injection Therapy Used For?

PRP Injection Therapy can be an effective treatment for a wide range of patients. Because the therapy uses your own platelets, it’s exceptionally well-tolerated, as opposed to other anti-aging treatments and products that pose a risk of allergic reaction. Good candidates include men and women who want to improve the appearance of their skin, but also want to avoid plastic surgery. Additionally, patients should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about their results. You may not be a good candidate if you have poor nutrition, poor hydration, a bleeding disorder or low platelet count.

PRP Injection Therapy rebuilds your skin from within. Our blood is made up of certain elements that keep our bodies healthy and functioning. Platelets are one of these important elements, containing growth factors that promote collagen development. PRP Therapy isolates those growth factors and uses them to improve tone and texture of your skin. We use our patient’s own blood to provide treatment.

What should you expect during treatment?

Your therapy session will begin with drawing of your blood. We then place the blood in a centrifuge to separate and purify the platelets. Next, we apply a topical anesthetic to ensure that you are comfortable during treatment. Lastly, the platelet rich plasma is injected into the face or area of treatment. Post treatment a cool compress will be provided to minimize swelling. The entire therapy session takes about 1-hour to 90-minutes. In the weeks and months following your treatment, you will gradually notice results. Lines will become smoother and a radiant appearance will emerge. The results can last for a year or more, depending on the treatment area.

What is the recovery like?

Your recovery will depend on which area is being treated. Patients who receive a Platelet Rich Plasma Dermal Facial will have a swollen, tender face for up to one week. During this time avoid abrasive facial cleansers and prolonged exposure to uv light. For best result, you should not return to normal daily activities after the Platelet Rich Plasma Dermal Facial appointment. You should prepare to relax and not engage in any strenuous activity for at least 24-hours.

Patients who receive Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Therapy may experience swelling or minor bruising for 2 to 3 days, however many patients experience no downtime at all. You can return to normal daily activities after the Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Therapy appointment. Depending on the area you would like to treat, we may recommend a series of sessions, spaced several weeks apart, to give you the best results.


Platelet rich plasma injection therapy

PRP Therapy

Is For You!


Acupuncture body rejuvenation using platelet rich plasma Injection therapy is used to treat many conditions:

  • collagen loss

  • Saggy Skin

  • Wrinkles

  • tendonitis

  • healing after injury

  • Healing Post-surgery for certain conditions

  • Can curb pain and boost mobility


Platelet Rich Plasma Injection therapy Pricing

Per Session $650.00

Package of 3 Sessions $1,700.00