Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes

Family time up @weekiwacheesprings

There's something in the air and while it may not be love, some say it's the next best thing: Negative Ions. In fact, Columbia University studies of people with winter and chronic depression show that negative ion generators relieve depression as much as antidepressants. The best part is that there are no side effects! Read more here.

That said, We love being out doors, especially around and in water.

When I talk to people about health, I often refer to negative and positive ions floating around us. Negative ions are a naturally occurring phenomenon. In fact, waterfalls, springs, and other moving water sources are natural negative ion generators.

Do you remember your basic fifth grade science class? Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are those little particles that energetically swirl around the nucleus of protons and neutrons.

Research studies show exposure to negative ions has a direct impact on our mood and well-being. Both bright light and negative air ion exposure can alleviate chronic non-seasonal depression as well as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Theories suggest that negative ions increase serotonin levels to boost our mood and energy, alleviate depression and provide stress relief.

Get outside! Enjoy the water , sun , and your family!!

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