o2 Dealer Veterans Day Segment

Former military professional and current energy frequency healer, Stephen Rodriguez aka “The Oxygen Dealer”, joined Gayle Guyardo, the host of the nationally syndicated health and wellness show, Bloom, on November 11th to share more about a system he uses at Tampa Bay Holistic Wellness called The Energetic Emergency Room to heal others.

So you ask, what is the Energetic Emergency Room? Imagine a kinder heart-centered world where we care for one another. A world where separation and discord dwindle and care and cooperation become prominent qualities that guide us daily and help us all thrive. Tampa Bay Holistic Wellness, through the support of The Heart Math Institute and years of ancient wisdom provided by the philosophy of east asian medicine, help empower people with research-based tools to create a natural flow of compassion, emotional balance, care, and self security. As a result we are able to help improve our patient’s and client’s heart brain interactions and autonomic nervous system dynamics. Change the way you feel > Change the way you think > Change the way you live.

We are able to see through brain scans and EEG data that patients who have low HRV for long periods of time have brain scan images similar to those of prisoners of war and childhood sexual trauma. This is linked to a number of pathological conditions that often originate with emotional discord and an imbalance in mental health prioritization.

We work with our patient’s and client’s to improve their pathological conditions by improving the way they think and feel. As a result, the individual feels empowered to take control of their life, their health, and their future, instead of becoming a victim of diagnosis, pain, and suffering.

Read 2021 Research Study: Global Study of Human Heart Rhythm Synchronization with the Earth’s Time Varying Magnetic Field - 104 Global Participants

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